4 counties


The ITTA AGM took place at 10.30am on Saturday 7th June 2014 at Sport HQ, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.   It was attended by 43  delegates including ITTA Board members from the table tennis fraternity representing Clubs throughout Ireland and the four Provincial Branches of Leinster, Ulster, Connacht and Munster.

The AGM started with the Chair noting the very recent passing of Johnny Leach, former World Champion – a very good friend of Life President Joe Veselsky, and a regular visitor in his playing days to Ireland, North and South.  It was noted that the Association had sent an expression of sympathy to Table Tennis England.

For the first time, the main Directors’ Reports were posted on the website giving the membership an opportunity to read them in advance of the meeting, and also giving those who could not attend an insight into the activities of the past year.

Reports Summary:   A short summary of the highlights was given by the following Directors:  Finance Director, Company Secretary  with the Board Report, Coaching Director, International Director, High Performance Director, Marketing Director, and Volunteer Development Director.  Rhona Daly, Women in Sport Officer, gave a summary of the work carried out in the Participation area .   All of these Reports are available online – the shorter presentations allowed more time for questions from the meeting, as well as a shorter meeting – which was appreciated by all present. 

Table Tennis Ireland:  One of the highlights was the official launch of the Association’s new name and logo (following  a soft launch at the Senior National Championships earlier in Limerick).   Marketing Director Jamie McConkey spoke about the new brand, and everyone present received a branded mug – he also discussed plans for merchandise in the future.

Affiliation Fees:  The membership approved the Board’s recommendation of an increase in Senior Affiliation Fees from €28 to €35 for 2015, with other category increases to be notified in due course.   This was the first increase in a number of seasons. Fees were €25 in 2008/9!

Election of Directors:    The following Directors were elected to the Board.

Chair:  Mrs Pat Hunter

Finance Director: Mr Martin Clark

Marketing Director: Mr Jamie McConkey

Coaching Director: Mr Arthur Brett

Participation Director:  no nominations received

Volunteer Development Director: Mrs Pauline McGovern

HR Director: no nominations received

Vice Presidents:

Mrs V Barry, Mr T Martin, Mr T C Phillips MBE, Mr P O’Brien and Mr I Shorten.

Disciplinary committee:

Miss A Kelly, Mr J Campbell, Mr M Herley, Mr C Higgins, Mr A Morgan and Mr A Strong.

Appeals Committee:

Miss K O’Hara, Mr N Hitchcock, Mr P Talini and Mr J Wilson.

Special Resolutions:   Four special resolutions  were considered by the meeting and approved as follows:

Resolution 1:  That Article 7A of the Articles of Association be amended by the  insertion of  “the Volunteer Development Director” before the word  ’and’

Resolution 2:   Approve the substitution of Clause 15.6 of the Regulations of the Association with the following:

·         Relevant decisions issued by the Appeals Committee may be referred to Just Sport Ireland for resolution by mediation in accordance with the Just Sport Ireland Mediation Rules. If the dispute remains unresolved at the conclusion of the mediation process, the matter shall be referred to Just Sport Ireland for binding arbitration in accordance with the Just Sport Ireland Arbitration Rules.

·         Any appeal to Just Sport Ireland shall be limited to a review by Just Sport Ireland of the legality of the procedures used by the ITTA in reaching its decision.

Resolution 3:  The President, Joe Hickey lead the third Resolution, “that the Articles of Association be amended by the substitution of Article 8 in its entirety by the following:

·         All Board positions shall be for a period of two years or until the date of the Annual General Meeting in the year in which the two year term expires, whichever period expires sooner. Each person elected to the Board shall be eligible for re-election at an Annual General Meeting provided always that no person may remain in the same Board position, after having served three successive two year terms.   A Director of the Company must also be a member of the Company.

·         A person elected to the role of President shall hold office for a period of two years or until the date of the Annual General Meeting in the year in which the two year term expires. A person elected to the role of President shall be eligible for re-election at an Annual General Meeting provided always that no President may be re-elected after having served two successive terms.

Resolution 4:  That the Articles of Association be amended by the addition of a new clause at Article 7 D to read as follows:

·         “If desired by the Board, an additional director or directors may be appointed with such designation as may be decided so however that any such additional appointment and designation must be approved at the next Annual General Meeting.   The limitation on the number of Board Members will be automatically increased on such approval.”

The 2014 Awards were presented during the AGM and a separate Report has been uploaded to the Table Tennis Ireland website advising of the recipients of awards, all of whom thoroughly deserve their recognition.

The Meeting finished at 2.30pm.


Table Tennis Ireland: Awards 2014

The Annual Table Tennis Ireland Awards were presented by President Joe Hickey to their recipients at its AGM held in Sport HQ, Dublin on Saturday 7th June 2014.

President of the ITTA, Joe Hickey paid tribute to all award recipients –

“The pursuit and achievement of excellence by players, officials and volunteers requires ability, hard work and determination. We are delighted to recognise and honour the success of the recipients who have all worked for many years to arrive at the high standards required to be chosen for an award. I have no doubt that their success will be widely applauded and will encourage others to continue with their personal goals

Listed below is some of the key award winners as well as a list of all award winners. Congratulations to all.

Joe Veselsky Award: Jennifer Thompson

The Joe Veselsky Award is presented in recognition of endeavour and achievement in administration; it is only open to members of Table tennis Ireland over the age of 35 who have served a minimum of 5 years in administrative positions within table tennis. It is seen to many as a sort of Lifetime Achievement Award, recognition of the recipient’s work for Table Tennis over a long number of years.

This year the Awards Panel decided to award the “Joe Veselsky” to Jennifer Thompson. 

Jennifer Thompson has been involved with Irish and Ulster Table Tennis for many years. She enjoyed an illustrious playing career at Irish International level, winning many caps, and attaining numerous titles, including becoming Irish No 1. Jennifer followed her success as a player by then becoming involved in the administration side of the sport and served as Hon Sec with Ulster Branch for a few years, and more recentlyas a member of the Table Tennis Ireland High Performance Committee. Jennifer has been the Ulster Branch Technical Officer for a number of years, with responsibility for all Coaching and High Performance training, including the management of budgets, forward planning and the setting of Branch targets to achieve the goals agreed with Sport NI. Jennifer has also qualified as a L2 coach and coaches regularly at her club.

The knowledge and skills attained by Jennifer as a player is now proving to be invaluable as an administrator. Table Tennis Ireland and the Ulster Branch have benefited to a great extent from the work carried out by Jennifer in the many roles she has held. The sport is indeed fortunate to have volunteers of the ability and dedication of Jennifer Thompson.

Stiga Volunteer of the Year Shield:  Michael Barry

The STIGA Ireland Volunteer of the Year Shield is given to someone who gives up their time and skills to table tennis over the year. This year the recipient of the award was Michael Barry. Michael has been a committed volunteer for the sport in Connacht for several years. He has been Branch Secretary for a number of years, has been instrumental in developing Table Tennis to its current healthy state with players on Ireland teams. As Secretary, he tackled many jobs outside his remit, including keeping the accounts in check and has been the key player in the revival of Connacht Table Tennis.

Billy Marshall Award: Ryan Farrell

The Billy Marshall Award is awarded to the Best underage player of the season taking into account not only the player’s results in tournaments but also his or her playing programme. This year the award went to Ryan Farrell from Dublin. This was a very competitive awards category this year, byt Ryan triumphed following a season of very successful tournament results at both Junior & Senior levels.  Ranked No. 1 Junior & No. 1 Under 21 player, the highlight of his season was surely representing Ireland Seniors at the recent World Team Championships in Tokyo.

Para Table Tennis Award: Rena McCarron Rooney

This year was the 2nd presentation of the Para TT Award. The Panel made the award to Rena McCarron Rooney. Rena has had a big year, claiming the national title in April, before recording very significant wins over top ranked opponents at the Slovenia Open, where she claimed bronze. Rena’s season is focussed on the World Championships in Beijing later this year.

Eleanor McKee Trophy: Teresa Devaney

Female Player of the Year was Teresa Devanney, for the 2nd year in a row. Another very successful season for Teresa and she is becoming the benchmark for our talented youngsters to work towards in terms of international success. A consistent winner of Veterans events in England and here in Ireland, she won Over 60s Singles at 6 Nations Veterans in front of home crowd in Dublin earlier in the season but finished her season in fantastic fashion with a gold medal in the World Veterans Championships in New Zealand.


This year we had a player who was a Gold medallist at the World Dwarf Games, Sinead Keon. Sinead beat all before her internationally, with golds in the UK Dwarf Games and the World Dwarf Games in Michigan.


Fair Play Award:Hannah Lynch-Dawson

Hannah, while a very committed player, has gone through the season with an exemplary conduct record. Her nomination for this award is in respect of two incidents in the Ulster Open in a match with her good friend and keen rival, Katie McGlone. Both incidents involved Hannah allowing edges to her opponent not seen by the Umpire at key stages of 5 set matches – fantastic example of sportsmanship and fair play and a deserved winner of this inaugural award.

The complete list of the recipients of the Table Tennis Awards 2014 is:

Joe Veselsky Award: Jennifer Thompson

Anna Kelly Female Coach of the Year Award: Sarah Timlin

Ken Strong Male Coach of the Year Award: Tommy Fitzgerald

Press Officer of the Year: Tony Higgins

STIGA Ireland Volunteer of the Year Shield: Michael Barry

Billy Marshall Award (Best Junior/Cadet Player of the Season): Ryan Farrell

Eleanor McKee Trophy (Female Player of the Year): Teresa Devaney

Rhanbouy Trophy (Male Player of the Year): Paul McCreery

Special Award: Sinead Keon

Para TT Award: Rena Rooney

Certificates of Merit were also awarded at the Awards to Stuart McConley, Emma Ludlow, Paddy Vaughan, Katie McGlone and Hannah Lynch Dawson


Table Tennis Ireland Official Logo Launch

The Irish Table Tennis Association has undergone a radical transformation over the past 5 years. During this time, the Association has employed its first full-time member of staff and now boasts a paid staff of two as well as an all island panel of participation and high performance coaches who work at grassroots and performance levels in our sport. We have launched a new website and social media presence, have re-imagined our approach to growing participation in the sport and have devised and delivered a significant number of new tournaments and events. We have undoubtedly punched above our weight at high performance level with some fantastic results achieved by our dedicated elite squads during the past few years

The word “branding” has become a short-hand for “corporate identity”.  It is generally used to describe an organisation’s visual identity.  Think of it in the same way, that what you wear says a lot about your personality and the way you want people to view you.

Similarly, our audience will have made a judgment about The Irish Table Tennis Association purely on the way we presented ourselves visually.  The organisation has adapted, grown and re-focused since we last re-branded, and the new brand will communicate our values, our ethos and what we are as an organisation and will develop a personality of its own.

It tells the audience everything about the company – acronyms can sometimes confuse the outside world.  Think about the ITTA – for those outside the Table Tennis world, would they know what the acronym stood for?  Table Tennis Ireland, to use a common phrase “Does what it says on the tin”.  We are Table Tennis in Ireland.

We believe the new brand reflects a changing, progressive organisation;

·         The incorporation of a simple, modern and professionally designed logo at the heart of our brand.

·         This logo puts the player at the centre of our brand, reflecting a player-centric organisation,

·         ‘Table Tennis Ireland’ is a simpler brand for marketing purpose, removing ‘Association Limited’ from our brand image while retaining it in our M&AA and official name.

Table Tennis Ireland will officially be launched at the 2014 AGM on June 7th. You will have seen the new logo gradually phased in, and everything new will be produced with the new logo on. This may take a little time as stocks of items are reduced. As previously advised the four provinces crest is part of the history of the association and will still be used to represent the four provinces.

For any advice on the new logo, or if you want to get a copy to add to your website, please contact [email protected]. If you see the old ITTA logo anywhere, please let us know.

We are Table Tennis Ireland (never shortened to TTI) – we want to tell the world about the sport we love.

4 counties

AGM 2014 – Online Reports Available

For this year’s AGM, the Board of Table Tennis Ireland has decided to publish in advance some of the key Director reports. The attached document contains the following full reports for each of the following areas:

–       Board Report

–       Coaching Report

–       International Report

–       High Performance Report

–       Marketing Report

–       Volunteer Development Report

–       Participation Report

The Board would encourage all members who plan on attending the AGM to read each of the reports in advance of the meeting. This will allow each Director to present an overview of his/her report, highlighting key areas. Due to the amount of content in each report, this makes it easier to facilitate more time for questions and discussion of items of interest relating to each report to those in attendace at AGM.

It should be noted that the Finance Report and 2013 Accounts will be presented in full at the meeting and have not been included here.

Click here to view AGM Pack.


Keon Strikes Gold Again

Having won Gold at the 2013 World Dwarf Games in Michigan last August Sinead Keon of Connacht was determined to take the UK National Title this year. Winning all of her matches in the lead up to the final she finished with a 3-0 victory to take the title of Open Womens Champion 2014.

“I am looking forward to representing Ireland at the IWAS World Junior Games in Stoke Mandeville in August in both Table Tennis and Field Athletics”, said Sinead

Congratulations from all in Irish Table Tennis – keep up the good work!


Teresa’s tremendous treble!

Teresa with Desmond Douglas

Teresa’s tremendous treble!

Teresa Devaney executed a marvellous triumph at the VETTS National Championships at Tipton Sports Academy, Birmingham, last weekend. On Saturday, she teamed up with Marilyn Bawden to win the Over 50s Ladies Doubles. This was very heartening as Marilyn was competing for the first time after a long layoff with very serious illness. Marilyn’s calming influence and her clever placement of returns enabled Teresa to hit some excellent winners. Both were delighted with their achievement.

On Sunday, Teresa just improved as the rounds progressed. Against Margaret Welsman in the Over 50s semi-final, she recovered from the loss of the first set, to win in four. In the final against Jan Johns, she went 1-6 down in the fifth set, making some needless errors. However, she regrouped to hit several telling winners, and went on to clinch the title 11-8 in an absorbing match. Then, after a short respite, she beat Penny Perry in the Over 60s final. The first two sets were tense affairs, but Teresa totally dominated the third and final set, winning 11-3. The Irish contingent were certainly smiling with Teresa’s celebrations.

Jenny Harrison put in encouraging displays as she continues to make progress after a health scare in January. She went out in the quarters of the 40s, losing 7-11 in the fifth to Rose Rainton. She also lost in the quarters of the 50s. Audrey Robinson, Viv Barry and Sharon Gibbons were also pleased with their performances. Martin Pickles gave a good account of himself after his recent surgery. He registered several wins to progress to a semi-final in the Over 60s  Singles, losing 1-3 to Sid Hodgetts, the eventual winner.

All in all, these indicators augur well for the upcoming European Veterans Championships in Bremen, and the Veterans Six Nations Tournament in Dublin in September!


Stiga Fivemiletown Junior Challenger Results

A fantastic Challenger Tournament was held at Fivemiletown College this weekend.

Young players from all over Ulster and visitors from Roscommon assembled in Fivemiletown on Saturday to take part in a Stiga Junior Challenger Table Tennis Competition.  The event is sponsored by the Stiga Table Tennis Equipment Company of Sweden through their Irish Importer, Fitzgerald’s Table Tennis in Dublin.

Amanda Mogey Table Tennis Ulster Talent ID Officer was the event Referee assisted by Arnold Morgan.

The emphasis was on fun and participation.  In Ranking terms, the top 15 Boys at Junior Irish level and the top 8 at Cadet level, and Girls ranked in the top 8 at Junior level or the top 5 at Cadet level were excluded from entering this tournament, the round robin format ensured players had as lots of games against opponents of all levels from novice through to some of the rising stars of the future in the sport. 

Division 1 saw an excellent contest in the final between Adam Dunne (Drung) and Calum Coert (Banbridge). Dunne won the first set 11-9, with Coert firing back winning the 2nd, 11-6. In this best of 3 format, Adam got a crucial early lead in the final set with Dunne just pipping Coert to the post 11-9 in an excellent match. Rosscommons Oissin Cussack finished in 3rd position.   

Division 2 was as close as they come with the top 3 players all defeating each other by 2 sets to 1 to go to countback. By the closest of countbacks, Robert Matthews (Castlerahan) claimed first prize, with Ormeaus Conor Smith in 2nd position. Ben McMillan (Banbridge) finished in 3rd position.

In Division 3, James Keating (Newbliss) was victorious over his club team mate Morgan McAdoo by 2 sets to 0 in an entertaining match. Banbridges Joshua Priestly finished in 3rd position losing out to both Keating and McAdoo.

Elvie McAdoo (Newbliss) was on form in Division 4 defeating Omagh prospect Conor White by 2 sets to 1. White defeated Drum’s Carl Dunn by the smallest of margins winning 13-11 in the third to get a deserved silver medal in this category.

Denver Mahaffy Division 5 Winner

In Division 5, Denver Mahaffy remained undefeated to win gold in his first ever tournament. Nicole Larmour (Banbridge) did exceptionally well to finish in silver medal position defeating club team-mate Cody Large and the Wiseman duo of Ben and Matt.

For many players, this was their first real taste of an Ulster competition, many of whom are relatively new to the sport. TTU Chairman Arnold Morgan presented the medals and Stiga prizes to each of the winners and runners-up. Mr Morgan praised the players on the standard of play and how each player conducted themselves throughout the day. He also thanked Tommy Fitzgerald and Stiga for their kind sponsorship of this event enabling the prize winners to go home with brand new Stiga equipment.

Stiga Fivemiletown Junior Challenger Results

Division 1

1.      Adam Dunne

2.      Calum Coert

3.      Oisin Cussack

4.      Danny McKenna

5.      Emma Wylie

6.      Matthew McClimomds

Division 2

7.      Robert Matthews

8.      Conor Smith

9.      Ben McMillan

10.  Scott Dale

11.  Rebecca Keating

12.  Eanna Fields

Division 3

13.  James Keating

14.  Morgan McAdoo

15.  Joshua Priestly

16.  Joel Smith

17.  Oliver Leddy

18.  Fionn Cussack

Division 4

19.  Elvie McAdoo

20.  Conor White

21.  Carl Dunn

22.  Christopher Dunn

23.  Damien Leddy

Division 5

24.  Dever Mahaffy

25.  Nicole Larmour

26.  Cody Large

27.  Ben Wiseman

28.  Matt Wiseman


McCarron Rooney Superb in Slovenia

Irish Elite Para Squad members Rena McCarron Rooney and Philip Quinlan are in international action this week in Slovenia in the ITTF Slovenian Para Open in Lasko. This is a top class international event, with the majority of the world’s top ranked players in attendance.

Going in to the event, McCarron Rooney and Quinlan had hopes to bring their domestic form to the international circuit. Both had tough group draws and Quinlan was really up against it, drawn against Paralympic Champion Holger Nikelis in the group. This was a straight sets win for the top ranked German, but Quinlan pushed him in each set, eventually losing -8,-8,-10.  That left Quinlan in a shoot-out with Brazilian Bruno De Paula for a place in the Quarter Finals. De Paula is World Ranked 22(Quinlan is World Ranked 16), and Philip again pushed him all the way but will be disappointed to lose to a lower ranked opponent, this time 1-3(10,-9, -9, -9). Quinlan will hope for better luck in the Team event which begins tomorrow.

McCarron Rooney(WR:9) also had a tough draw and was bottom seed in her group, with Pouchpacheva of Russia (WR:2) and Clot of France(WR:6) blocking her path to the knock-out stages. First up was the Russian and despite delivering a really good performance with some very positive play in the early stages, McCarron Rooney felt she forced her game slightly, eventually losing 3-1.

She would overcome her disappointment in the result, if not the performance in style with a big win against France’s Clot, progressing to the Quarter Final and with a scalp in the bag. Another French opponent awaited in the Quarter Final, this time Gossiaux-Sireau(WR:5) . Rena now showed her confidence and produced her best performance of the year to move into the last 4 with a straight sets victory over the French woman(7,7,12).

In the semi-final played this morning, Rena faced the Polish and World Class 1 No.1 Dorota Buclaw(pictured with Rena and Irish Coach Tibor Pofok above). Despite her best efforts, Buclaw was a bit too strong for McCarron Rooney on this occasion and emerged with a 3-1 victory. Overall a fantastic tournament for the Irish National Para Champion, with two wins over higher ranked opponents setting her up nicely for the remainder of the international season, with of course the big focus being the World Championships later this year. 


Sensational Start for Team Ireland

Team Ireland has gotten off to a sensational start at the World Team Championships in Tokyo, Japan. The team is made up of Paul McCreery, Ashley Robinson, Gavin Maguire and Ryan Farrell, with John Murphy Head Coach.

John updates us below in his Worlds diary…


Having arrived in Tokyo on Friday morning after almost 24 hours travelling the team took the option to relax for the rest of the day to try to get over the jet lag. This left us with two full days of preparation which was ideal.

We started on Saturday morning with a long 2.5 hours session followed by a shorter evening session where we were joined by Israel Number 2 Guy Elensky which added an extra challenge for the players. Having had such a long day Saturday we decided that Sunday we would have only one session in the morning. Again we were lucky to have Elensky join us along with Norway’s Lars Ronneberg which provided something new for our squad in terms of match preparation

There is a great team spirit within this group combined with very relaxed feeling as the players know that they have prepared well ahead of a tough start to the Championships tomorrow against Lativa 1pm and Mexico 7.30pm.

Day 1

Thankfully our investment to travel early has paid off with the lads recording a very good 3-1 victory over Lativa in our first match. Paul leading the team with two wins over Arthur Reinholds and Olegs Kartusovs with Ashley chipping in at number 3 with one win over Leonids Maslovs 3-1

Gavin lost out in the other rubber to Kartusovs 12-10 in the last.

Our second match on day one was against top seeds in our group Mexico. Marcos Madrid their number 3 is ranked 150 in the world so it was always going to be a tough one. Paul started against their number 2 and looked to be in total control leading 2-0 before eventually losing out 11-8 in the fifth. Ashley lost to their number 1 3-0 and Gavin playing at number 3 lost 3-1. Although they are a strong team both myself and lads had felt that we failed to reach our highest level both mentally and technically in the game. Lessons to be learned….. 

Day 2

Playing at 10am against New Zealand gave us little time to regroup after our loss to Mexico late the night before.

We had a short team meeting over dinner and tried to learn from our previous mistakes at other major championships where we had struggled mentally after a loss. We started with the same team – again Paul winning the first match against Phillip Xiao 3-1. Ashley then recorded a good win under pressure against the experienced Shane Laugersen 3-1. Gavin finished a fine team performance with an easy 3-0 victory over John Cordue. This performance shows how far we have come as team in the last couple of years.

Summary so Far

A very positive start after two days of play with Kuwait ( 19.30 ) to play tomorrow and Guatemala ( 13.00 ) the following day we are on course for a top 3 finish in the group and a place in the main draw where we will be in the hunt for promotion to the second tier of world table tennis. Ryan Farrell who is at the worlds for the first time has had a very positive impact on the group and although has not featured so far has made a huge contribution to our good start here in Tokyo.

It is also great to see Paul really lead the team as number one. Sitting on the bench, we as team really feel that he is capable of beating anyone in our Division which is a great positive.


Gavin Maguire: Blog 5 from Tokyo

Blog 5 – Nationals and Internationals

It’s been a while since I got around to writing the next edition of the blog, so it’s about time I wrote blog 5. There’s been plenty of table tennis inside and outside of Ireland since I last wrote about it and I will do my best to include it all so forgive me if some parts are briefer than others.

                To kick off this blog I have to start by talking about the National Championships. With so much of the seasons training and competition being geared up to the Nationals at the beginning of March it is hard to say it’s not the biggest tournament of the year for almost all players and coaches in Ireland. The prestige of being involved, competing, winning and potentially being crowned National Champion is huge.  This year the event was in the University of Limerick which is a great facility and was a good home for the Nationals this year. The level of play at this year’s nationals I felt was at an all-time high. Especially seeing some of the juniors progress to the last 16 and quarter finals and challenge the seniors. Every match from the semi-final onwards being a titanic 7 set battle the spectators were given a tournament to enjoy. For me personally it ended in despair. I won against John Murphy 4-3 in the semi-final which is always a great result as he’s a 5 time National Champion. I then found myself in the final, racing to a 3-1 lead over Paul McCreery and in a position to take my 2nd national title only to be pipped to the line by Paul 4-3. I can only compliment him, he’s a real fighter and I just couldn’t cross the line, he wouldn’t let me. He fought for every point and made me work extremely hard. I hope I can say the same that I made him work hard as he probably ever has for a title. Congratulations to him but hopefully I’ll be back next year and things might go in my favour next time. Unfortunately it was the same story in the doubles and mixed doubles I lost out again in the final match of both competitions. Three 2nd place finishes at the Nationals is not what I had hoped for but a good result all the same, I took plenty of positives from my performances and hope to improve on them in the future.

                Moving on from the Nationals, the training didn’t stop for long. After a short break to get over the disappointment and to regain motivation to push forward, I got back to the drawing board as I was entered in the German Open Pro Tour. As the event was in Magdeburg which is just an hour from our base in Eilenburg, myself and Ashley travelled there to compete and hopefully claim a scalp. I was drawn against Ionescu from Romania and Kolarek from Croatia, both players were ranked inside the top 180 in the World. As this was only my second Pro Tour and it was considerably stronger than my first to say we were up against it was an understatement. The experience was a great one and I’m glad that I played. The only thing on paper that I took home was winning a set in a 4-1 loss against Ionescu however being amongst the top players and getting some top quality match practise in can only be of benefit. Notably, Ashley lost 11-9 in the 6th set against a Korean that is ranked in the top 20 U21’s in the World. This was an exciting match and unfortunate that he couldn’t go one step further and get a victory but, it was something that really showed his improvement and ability to compete at the highest level. All in all, the German Open was an extremely enjoyable tournament to be a part of and what we’ve taken from it will hopefully stand to us in the coming months leading up to bigger and more important events as a National Team.

Directly after the German Open I flew home to Ireland to play in what is probably after the nationals, my favourite event of the year, The Senior Interprovincial Championships for Leinster. Unfortunately due to the schedule at the German Open I had to miss Friday night’s match against Connaught however, Leinster thankfully came through without me. After a Saturday morning win against Munster we were all set for a deciding game against Ulster, the same as it has been in the last number of years. I have felt, each year we were getting closer and closer to claiming a scalp against the Ulster team who have been so dominant at the interpros. As the match progressed, I put my two singles points on the board early with our girls unfortunately losing theirs. Eventually Ulster were leading 5-4 with Sam Logue on to face Daryl Strong to try and take us to a deciding doubles or give Ulster another title to their name. In a nail-biting match Sam came through against Daryl 3-0 but it was a lot closer than the score line suggests. Myself and Ryan Farrell were pitted in the doubles against Peter Graham and Daryl. This was my first taste of a deciding doubles at an interpros and I was up for it, I felt we had a great chance once myself and Ryan didn’t let the occasion get the better of us, and we definitely didn’t. It was one to remember, and I am told it was a thrilling encounter to watch, we ran out 3-1 winners in an epic matchup. Unfortunately this was the only match that we did not get on video, which was a disappointment as it would have been a nice one to look back on through the years. I am delighted with the result as was the rest of the team, but I can’t praise the Ulster team enough they have dominated for years, even without some of their best players and I’m sure next year they will be out in force to reclaim the interpros.

                The final weeks leading up to the World Championships have been extremely exciting. It’s a long time since I’ve been able to say I’m excited by the prospect of a tournament rather than just looking forward to it but this year there’s a different feeling surrounding the World Championships, we’re prepared, we’re ready and we’ve got a chance. Training before the event has been very match orientated with a lot of exercises based around serve, serve receive and first attack. Myself and Ashley have done quite a lot of multi ball with the Chilean coach in our centre which has been of huge benefit. Our half long attack has improved steadily which gives us an opportunity to attack when others may not. I would also say we are both reacting quicker and moving quicker to the ball as a result of multi ball and the speed at which it is done. As added preparation for the Worlds the ITTA along with the Ulster branch is sending the Worlds team along with the players from the Commonwealth long list to the Luxembourg Open in order to get some vital match practise. If you remember the last World Team Championships in Dortmund 2 years ago, you will remember that we stayed in division 3 by the skin of our teeth with some epic battles in the relegation clashes, the most memorable being against U.A.E when Paul McCreery beat Rashid Omar, a man that had been 4-2 with Wang Hao a year previous to Dortmund. This year the draw is a very open one, we could potentially win the group or come last in the group, we’ve been drawn against; New Zealand, Mexico, Guatemala, Latvia and Kuwait. I strongly believe that with 2 years of preparation that myself and Ashley have put in since the event in Dortmund along with Paul’s training in England and the added dimension of Ryan Farrell this year we will be in a much stronger position to compete at the higher end of our division. I hope you will all get behind the team and follow our results.

                The next blog I write will probably be after the World Championships has concluded, my league season has concluded and the season itself has concluded. So it will probably be a reaction to the events along with my plans for the ‘off-season’ in Ireland. I will be helping the Northern Irish team in their preparation for the Commonwealth games so I’m sure any break I take won’t last for too long.  As always, if there is anything you would like to see included in the next blog just comment below.