A total of 18 players, 8 coaches and 3 sparring players attended the National Para Camp in Cork on the 19th June.
The Camp was hosted by the Beech Hill and Leeside clubs combined on behalf of Munster Branch. Sam Logue, TTI Para Coach , oversaw a busy and enjoyable day.

We are pleased to report that the Camp was visited by Cliona Horan, Sports Inclusion Disability Officer with Corks Sports Partnership. Munster Branch continues to enjoy a strong relationship with CSP. Thanks to everyone who contributed to an enjoyable and instructive event. Particular thanks to the coaches Sam, Mick, Alan, John, Ben, Margie, Paula and Philip.

Just before commencement of the Camp, Eoin Kelly, Chair of Munster Branch, presented Alan Hurley, South Coast TT Club, with a TTI Award for Male Coach of the Year.