As part of ongoing development initiatives delivered in partnership with IWA Sport, the ITTA provided over the past month coaching support to IWA Sport Multi-Sport Summer Camps. Coaches Gavin Maguire and John Bowe were on site in IWA Clontarf to introduce a new sport to almost 100 children between the age of 5 and 12. Coach John Bowe provided some further insight into the Camps:
“I was asked to coach at a Summer camp in the IWA and I was delighted at the opportunity. Having spent many years playing table tennis as a player its great to be able to pass on some tips and expertise to youngsters. I took part in my first Summer camp in 1984 and that’s where I began my interest in the sport. The children in the IWA were aged between 5-12 and I was very impressed with their attitude and how they all wanted to learn more. I believe strongly in excellent coaching at this level because if we can find some talented individuals and teach them the correct techniques and basics etc then Ireland can become a strong force in the future of International Table Tennis. The ITTA are making great progress and we all should get behind them and support them in any way we can.”
Monday 18th August sees the start of the ITTA Table Tennis Summer Camp again in IWA Clontarf, under the supervision of some top coaches and ITTA Technical Director John O’Donoghue. There are still a small number of places available. For further information, contact John on (085) 278 2211.