The ITTA Board is pleased to announce that the European Table Tennis Union has appointed ITTA Secretary, Ken Strong, to a Working Group to consider the future structure of the European Championships.
The Working Group consists of Claude Bergeret (FRA), Beatrice Romanescu (ROU), Zdenko Kris (SVK), Rimgaudas Balaisa (LTU),Joe Borg-Cardona (MLT) and Ken with representatives of the ETTU Executive Board.
The Group’s initial findings will be discussed at the next European Congress in Moscow in May 2010.
We are sure that all of our members will join us in congratulating Ken on his appointment to this important post which is a great honour both for Ken and the ITTA.
“I am delighted to have been offered the opportunity of being involved in this Working Group. It is very important that the Group arrives at conclusions which will be in the best interests of all Associations,” said Ken.