ITTA International Director, Ken Strong, introduced the presentations at the ITTA’s 75th Anniversary Dinner on Saturday 3rd November 2012.
Mr Strong advised those present that the Association wished to honour a number of persons, both current and former international players as well as two volunteers involved in running tournaments.
He advised that Irish Senior International players were currently presented with an ITTA Crest at the end of each season in which they had represented Irish Senior Teams in an international event. In addition to the current system he explained that the Board had recently introduced the award of specially designed ITTA crests to those international players who had achieved certain milestones in their careers as international players.
The Association had 1 senior player present at the dinner who had represented Ireland on more than 100 occasions in the European & World Championships, European League and 6 Nations events. Mr Strong then referred to the legendary Tommy Caffrey who had made 151 appearances for Irish Seniors and invited Mr Joe Veselsky, ITTA Life President to make a presentation to Tommy Caffrey. Mr Veselsky spoke about his time as Tommy’s coach and made a presentation to him.
Mr Strong then announced that the Association awards would make presentations to those players present who had made 50 or more appearances for Irish teams. These were made to the following by ITTA President, Mr Joe Hickey and ITTA Chairman, Mrs Pat Hunter:

Mrs Karen Senior(pictured above receiving her award)
Mrs Jennifer Thompson
Mrs Tara Fusco
Mr Andrew Dennison
Mr John Murphy
Mr Strong then introduced 2 final presentations and advised that the Association was indebted to two persons who over a long period of years had organised and refereed ranking tournaments. He referred to Mr Tony Martin and Mr Tony Phillips whom the Association had designated as its first two National Referees in recognition of their experience and knowledge in the area of tournament organisation and management.
ITTA Deputy Life President, Mr Alex Thackaberry spoke in glowing terms about Mr Martin and presented him with a National Referees Certificate. Mr Strong then spoke of his years of experience in being involved with Mr Tony Phillips and presented him with a National Referee’s Certificate.