TTI Launches New Online Membership System!

Table Tennis Ireland is delighted to announce the introduction of an on-line membership system. It has many benefits to TTI, Clubs and members. This has taken six months of work and planning, but we feel the system is going to help modernise the association and all of its processes. This system (called GoMembership) is used by many other sporting organisations and does the following things

1. Allows members to register and affiliate online – providing contact details to TTI and reminders to members when renewal is required.

2. Allows Affiliated Clubs to see their membership and organise it into teams, groups, categories etc.

3. Allows members to register for events (tournaments, training camps, coaching courses etc.) well in advance and also allows TTI to see who is registered

4. Provides a secure online payment system either by card or by bank transfer

5. Allows credentials and qualifications to be submitted and approved

If office staff can spend less time on basic administration, then we can devote more of our resources to club development and growing the organisation.

Please try the system straight away and affiliate for 2017 by clicking here!