The Irish Table Tennis Association has undergone a radical transformation over the past 5 years. During this time, the Association has employed its first full-time member of staff and now boasts a paid staff of two as well as an all island panel of participation and high performance coaches who work at grassroots and performance levels in our sport. We have launched a new website and social media presence, have re-imagined our approach to growing participation in the sport and have devised and delivered a significant number of new tournaments and events. We have undoubtedly punched above our weight at high performance level with some fantastic results achieved by our dedicated elite squads during the past few years
The word “branding” has become a short-hand for “corporate identity”. It is generally used to describe an organisation’s visual identity. Think of it in the same way, that what you wear says a lot about your personality and the way you want people to view you.
Similarly, our audience will have made a judgment about The Irish Table Tennis Association purely on the way we presented ourselves visually. The organisation has adapted, grown and re-focused since we last re-branded, and the new brand will communicate our values, our ethos and what we are as an organisation and will develop a personality of its own.
It tells the audience everything about the company – acronyms can sometimes confuse the outside world. Think about the ITTA – for those outside the Table Tennis world, would they know what the acronym stood for? Table Tennis Ireland, to use a common phrase “Does what it says on the tin”. We are Table Tennis in Ireland.
We believe the new brand reflects a changing, progressive organisation;
· The incorporation of a simple, modern and professionally designed logo at the heart of our brand.
· This logo puts the player at the centre of our brand, reflecting a player-centric organisation,
· ‘Table Tennis Ireland’ is a simpler brand for marketing purpose, removing ‘Association Limited’ from our brand image while retaining it in our M&AA and official name.
Table Tennis Ireland will officially be launched at the 2014 AGM on June 7th. You will have seen the new logo gradually phased in, and everything new will be produced with the new logo on. This may take a little time as stocks of items are reduced. As previously advised the four provinces crest is part of the history of the association and will still be used to represent the four provinces.
For any advice on the new logo, or if you want to get a copy to add to your website, please contact [email protected]. If you see the old ITTA logo anywhere, please let us know.
We are Table Tennis Ireland (never shortened to TTI) – we want to tell the world about the sport we love.