The Annual General Meeting of Table Tennis Ireland took place in the Conference Room of the Irish Sports HQ Saturday 8th June 2024. Mr Arnold Morgan (Chair) opened the meeting at 10.30am by welcoming everyone to the AGM. The Chair introduced the Board and Office Personnel to the meeting, and he welcomed all members to the AGM including the Officers and Branch Members of Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connacht, and the various Committees, the President Ms Pat Hunter and Deputy Life president Mr Ken Strong. Mr Morgan expressed thanks to all those who have been involved in the organisation including volunteers in the Management Committee and subcommittees and their contribution to the development of the sport in Ireland. The Chair also introduced Mr David McNally as the 1st CEO to Table Tennis Ireland .The Chair led a minute’s silence in memory of Jimmy O’Hara (Former Irish International Player) and all those who have passed since the last AGM.
The Chair announced a brief interval to the AGM to watch Colin Judge being interviewed on Ireland AM (Virgin One)who was announced by Paralympics Ireland as an athlete attending the 2024 Paralympic games to represent Ireland in Table Tennis. After the TV segment on Ireland AM, the Chair spoke of how this was an excellent advertisement for Table Tennis.
The Finance Director, Mrs. Kathy Endersen, presented her Finance Director’s Report, Financial Statements & Auditor’s Report for the year ended 31st of December 2023. These reports were approved by the members present. The auditors, OSK, were re-appointed to conduct the audit of the 2024 accounts.
The Annual Report of the Board’s activities outlined the success in achieving increased funding from Sport Ireland, and the recent allocation of funding from Sport NI for a second year based on the success of last years work plan. 31 members attended the meeting in person and 46 by proxy. It was noted that all reports from Provinces were received and included in the Annual Report.
The CEO, Mr David McNally, summarised his Report in a presentation that covered some of the highlights of the last twelve months and also looked ahead to the next twelve months including areas of Affiliation, Coaching, Communication, Advertisement of CCDO’s, HP Para, Participation, Table Tennis in the Community, WIS and Pathway/Performance plans. Mr McNally expressed thanks to all who contributed to the reports and to the staff, committees and volunteers. All reports were approved by the members present.
Elections: The following officers were elected or re-elected:
- Finance Director: Mrs. Kathy Endersen
- Director: Sanjeev Shelar
- Director: Marie Power
- Director: Dilyara Boncheva
- Director: Greg Yarnell
Vice Presidents: Ms Anna Kelly, Mr Pat O’Brien, Mr Tony Phillips MBE, Mr Ivan Shorten, Mr Alan Strong MBE, Mr Thomas Keenan.
Disciplinary Committee: Miss Anna Kelly, Mr Ken Nixon, Ms Louise O’Loughlin & Mr Neil Shanahan
Jury of Appeal: Mr Keith McGarry, Mr Chris Cowan & Ms Triona Leahy
Joe Veselsky Award
This year’s Joe Veselsky Award in recognition of endeavour and achievement on behalf of the Association has been awarded to Adrian Brown.
Adrian has undertaken the Safeguarding Officer role for TTU in a Voluntary capacity, for a number of years ensuring governance requirements are met in this important role and delivering many training courses for TTU coaches and volunteers. As a member of TTU Committee he has also been central in securing additional grant funding to support Table Tennis development.
Alongside this Adrian is a qualified Umpire and Tournament Referee and he has devoted a considerable amount of time in an unpaid capacity in officiating at numerous TT events and also organising and acting as tournament referee for a significant number of local and national events.
Adrian’s professionalism is these roles sets an example to players and supporters alike.
A very worthy winner!

National Awards 2022/23
Details of all winners from the Annual Awards are available on the following link: National Awards Announcement for the 2023/24 Season – Table Tennis Ireland