The 2009 ITTA Annual General meeting was held on Saturday 6th June at the Clarion Airport Hotel, Dublin. A good attendance of 63 members heard reports of the last season’s activities and were updated about current initiatives within the Association.
Key Highlights/Initiatives :
Schools: appointment of new Committee and Programme Manager to lead new schools initiatives in 2009/10 season
ITTA/IWA Relationship: inclusion of wheelchair events in National Championships and arrangements for coaching, training and development
New Clothing Sponsor: Butterfly Europe announced as clothing sponsor up to 2013.
Women in Sport: vibrant programme in 2008/09 with appointment of WIS Coordinator in near future with generous Irish Sports Council funding
ITTA Events Committee: aimed at improving the quality of events
DCU/ITTA Relationship: provision of practice facilities and sports science support for elite players
Appointment of Senior Men’s National Coach: Peter Nilsson, leading Swedish Club Coach
Coach Education Syllabi: review of Level 1 and 2 Courses and introduction of new Introductory Level Course; new ITTA Coaching Plan prepared
ITTA/St. Patrick’s Training College: arrangements in place to provide introductory courses for trainee teachers
Marketing Arrangements: improved relationships including RTE Television and Setanta Sports; new website development, Hotshots ezine; new participation initiatives with Dublin City Council.
Review of ITTA Memorandum:
The meeting empowered the Board, inter alia, to review the ITTA Memorandum including the introduction of 3 additional Board posts for Participation, Coaching and Human Relations issues, the appointment of an Assistant Secretary, revised voting arrangements at General Meetings, the right to introduce revised affiliation fees and the introduction of regulations for the proper administration of Branches.
Election of Officers:
The following were appointed:
Hon. Life President: Mr. J. Veselsky
President: Mr. A. Thackaberry
Vice Presidents: Mr. P. O’Brien
Mr.T. Martin
T Mahaffy
Chairman: Mr. J Hickey
Secretary: Mr. K. Strong
Finance: Mr C. Cowan
Technical Director: Mr. J O’Donoghue
Marketing Director: Mr.T Farrell
ITTA Awards:
The following awards for 2008/09 were presented:
Joe Veselsky Award : Joe Finnegan
Rhanbuoy Male Senior Player: Gavin Maguire
Eleanor McKee Female Senior Player : Liu Na
Billy Marshall Junior/Cadet Player : Ashley Givan
Ken Strong Male Coach Of the Year : Finn Essex
Anna Kelly Female Coach of the Year : Sr Annette Murtagh
Press Officer of the Year : William Trimble
STIGA Volunteer of the Year : Shay Logue
For further information, contact ITTA Secretary, Ken Strong here or by telephoning 0044 28 8224 3121.
Kenneth Strong
Director and Secretary
29 June 2009