The Annual General Meeting of the Irish Table Tennis Association CLG took place by Zoom on last Saturday 12th June 2021 at 10.30am. A good attendance of members attended online, in Irish Sport HQ, Dublin and by proxy.
Mr. Joe Hickey, Board Chairman, chaired the meeting and welcomed the other directors, the Management Committee Chair, representatives of the four provinces, officers and members. Apologies were received from Life President, Joe Veselsky, Miss Anna Kelly, Mr. Tony Philips and Mr. Brian Finn.
Before the meeting began the names of 6 members, who had died since the 2020 AGM were read by Director Kenneth Strong as follows: Ian Brown, Adam Buckley, Jim Sheehan, Patsy James, Wesley Pappin and Tommy Rowsome. A minute’s silence was observed in their memory.
The Finance Director, Mrs. Pat Hunter, presented her Finance Director’s Report, Financial Statements & Auditor’s Report for the year ended 31st of December 2020. She advised in her report that administration costs in the sport had decreased due to the lack of table tennis activity. The Association’s Reserves had increased with the additional monies planned for a participation and development programme in schools, clubs and leagues. Mrs. Hunter stated that the Association was well placed financially to grow the sport.
Ms. Jennifer Monaghan, Company Secretary, referred to the increased focus in recent years on governance and compliance in accordance with the Governance Code for Sport. The Association is aiming to be totally compliant before the end of 2021. The adoption of the code is a requirement to receive Sport Ireland funding from 2022 onwards.
The Annual Report of the Board’s activities outlined the success in achieving increased funding from Sport Ireland through Dormant Account Funding (DAF), an Aspire Graduate and the recent re-instatement of Women in Sport funding. The outcome of two further DAF applications is awaited.
Members were also advised that the affiliation year will in future be from 1st August until 31st July of the following year.
Mr. Richard Butler, Chair of the Management Committee, presented an overview of the reports of each of the Managers within the Management Committee. This report covered the areas of Coaching, Communication, Paralympic, Participation and Performance. He also gave a brief update on the possible return of Events in the coming months.
Election of Officers: The following officers were elected or re-elected:
- Chairman:
- Mr. Joe Hickey
- Finance Director:
- Mrs. Pat Hunter
- Directors:
- Mr. Rob Cowan
- Mr. Kenneth Strong
- Mrs. Ciara Joseph
- Company Secretary:
- Ms. Jennifer Monaghan
President: Mr. Tony Martin re-elected for a further 2- year term.
Vice Presidents: Miss Anna Kelly, Mr. Pat O’Brien, Mr. Tony Phillips MBE, Mr. Ivan Shorten, Mr. Alan Strong MBE, Mr. Thomas Keenan.
Disciplinary Committee: Miss Anna Kelly, Mr. Ken Nixon, Mr. Arnold Morgan & Ms. Louise O’Loughlin
Jury of Appeal: Mr. Keith McGarry, Mr. Chris Cowan & Ms. Triona Leahy
It was reported that further volunteers were needed for the Disciplinary Committee and Jury of Appeal. Members were asked to email the General Manager with their nominations.
Joe Veselsky Award: This award for 2021 was presented to Mrs. Pat Hunter, a well-known and respected administrator and volunteer at many levels over the past 50 years. Pat is a former Chair of the Association and the current Finance Director. She is also a former Chair of the Ulster Branch and is currently Branch President.

The Joe Veselsky award for 2020 was not presented last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This was awarded to Mr. Brian Finn, Chair of the Irish Veterans Table Tennis Society and responsible for organising a very successful 6 Nations Veterans Championship in Ireland in 2013. Brian is a qualified umpire and an important volunteer in the sport generally.
No playing awards were made due to no events having taken place during the last season with the exception of the National Championships because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Report on the 2021 ITTA CLG Extraordinary General Meeting (held after the AGM)
An Extraordinary General Meeting took place following the AGM.
Mr. Kenneth Strong occupied the Chair for this meeting.
Ms. Jennifer Monaghan, Company Secretary advised that a review had been undertaken with a view of clarifying any areas of uncertainty in the ITTA CLG Constitution and Regulations. The revised documents, as circulated previously, were adopted unanimously.