NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the adjourned Annual General Meeting of the Irish Table Tennis Association Company Limited by Guarantee will be held in Astra Hall, Student Centre, University College Dublin on the 22nd day of August 2020 at 10.30 am for the following purposes:
- To approve the Chairperson of the Meeting.
- To approve the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.
- To receive and consider the Directors’ and Auditors’ Report and the Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2019.
- To authorise the Directors to fix the remuneration of the Auditors.
- To review Company Affairs:
- Directors’ Reports
- Management Committee Report
- Committee Reports
- Branch Reports
- Any other Reports
- To appoint the following Officers:
- Chairperson
- Finance Director
- Operations Director
- Company Secretary
- Any other Directors
- To appoint:
- Vice Presidents
- Disciplinary Committee
- Appeals Committee
- Presentation of Annual Awards
- Special Business: Consideration of the following Special Resolution:‐
- “THAT, the Articles of Association of the Company be amended by the insertion of a new Clause 10.4 as follows:
- 10.4. Where an AGM is adjourned for a later date, that the subsequent meeting be subject to 21 days notice in advance, such notice shall comply with the requirements as stated in paragraph 10.1 with the additional proviso that new items may be submitted for the meeting agenda.”
- To discuss any other business which may be raised at an Annual General Meeting.
By Order of the Board,
Jennifer Monaghan (Company Secretary)
Dated this 27th day of July 2020
Notes: Only paid affiliated members who are registered seven days before the date of the AGM are entitled to attend. An affiliated paid member entitled to attend and vote at the above‐mentioned meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. This form must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company, by email, not less than 48 hours before the time for holding this meeting. Please note that Associate members are not entitled to attend
Please click HERE to download the Notice of the Adjourned AGM
Please click HERE to download the minutes of the 2019 AGM
Please click HERE to download 2019 Auditors Report and Financial Statements
Please click HERE to download Proxy form