New Board of Directors appointed by Resolution of Directors signed by Michael Scott and Peter Graham

Following the Resolution of Directors on Friday 21st of December 2018, both Michael Scott (Chair) and Peter Graham (Finance Director) resigned from the Board.

At the first meeting of the new Board, held on 3rd of January 2019, Joe Hickey was appointed as the new Chair, Patricia Hunter was appointed as Finance Director and Rob Cowan took on Director with responsibility for the operation of the office and related matters.

The new Board thanked the previous Board of Directors for their time and efforts throughout 2018.

The Board has appointed a Management Committee, which will be focused on table tennis matters and operations. The following have been appointed as members of the committee:

Richard Butler (Chair)
Alan Strong (Coaching)
Conn Higgins (Performance)
Cathryn Gibson (Marketing)
Paul Dolan (Para)
Arthur Brett (Participation)
Tara Fusco (without portfolio)
Jamie McConkey (without portfolio)