TTI is currently catering for the reemergence of a newly structured Hopes & Development Programme, starting with the annual Hopes Trials to be held on the 28th of September. The idea is for clubs to nominate forward 2 boys and 2 Girls born on or after 1st January 2014 or later to take part in these Hopes Trials in a bid to be selected for the Hopes Squad. The squad will then have a bi-monthly training sessions with their assigned National Coach. After Christmas the squad will be reassessed and dependent on results/attendance at TTI ranking tournaments, results/attendance at squad trainings and development of traits mentioned below players will retain their place in the squad for the second half of the season or new players will be introduced should certain players not being meet the required levels of performance and commitment.
Selections will be made based on more than just individual performance in the tournament at the Hopes Trials. Overall levels of technique, fitness, coordination, balance, training ability, match play ability, attitude, focus, overall potential and more will be taken into consideration on the day and for the selection of the Hopes Squad.
Club Coaches will be welcome to stay for the duration of the day and get involved in the trials camp by means of sparring, multi ball training or just their own observation of the camp and tournament. No coaching will be allowed in the matches during the tournament.
Please put forward the nominate players from your club by emailing [email protected] and all requests for additional spots should be sent with initial nominations.
We look forward to seeing you on the day and working with your players.
TTI Hopes Squad Trials
- Date – Saturday 28th September 2024
- Venue – The Loop Table Tennis Club, Raheny Road, Raheny, D05 Y132
- Time – 9:30am-3:30pm (Lunch break from 12:00-1:00pm). Please Players are required to arrive for check in at 9:00am.
- Price – €30 Per Child
- Schedule – 10:00am-12:00pm Training Session & 1:30-3:30pm Camp Tournament
- Coaches – Tara Fusco and Conor Mullaly
- Age Restriction: Born on or after 1st January 2014
Limit per club – 2 boys & 2 Girls (Clubs can apply for more spaces via the office and will be offered further places dependant on uptake from other clubs). All Players must affiliate to TTI prior to attending Hopes Trials. Please click on to register and affiliate.
Yours sincerely,
Table Tennis Ireland