Colin Judge Paralympics Send off – 16th August

During our holding camp for the Paralympic Games, we’re excited to announce a special send-off event for Colin Judge!! Join us on the afternoon/evening of August 16th for a mini tournament & Try it event in the National Indoor Arena

We hope to have representatives from The Government, Sport Ireland, Sport Ireland Institute, Paralympics Ireland, Table Tennis Ireland, and more. Please spread the word and get friends and family involved!

Schedule :
-Try it event: 4pm
-Competitive matches: 6pm-8/8:30pm

Match 1: Colin Judge vs. the legend Michael Cunningham – 6pm
Match 2: Colin Judge vs. Sem Roelofs from Holland – 7:30pm

This is a fantastic opportunity to see international level matches on home soil! We’ll share the exact timeline once confirmed so you can plan accordingly.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 16th!

Colin is expected to play in Paris on the 1st/2nd of September. If you’re planning to fly over/purchase tickets, mark your calendars!