2020 Nationals Trophies @ IWA (1)

National Championships not going ahead this weekend

The Board, in consultation with the chair of the Management Committee and tournament organisers, has decided that Nationals will not go ahead this weekend.

Today, we received updated guidance from Sports Ireland which, upon initial reading, would have had the effect of excluding many of our members in Northern Ireland from our National Championships. Sports Ireland have engaged with us this evening but it appears that it is now too late to find a solution. With that in mind the Board believes that the fairest option is to cancel the event until a solution can be found or until new guidelines are in place that would allow all of our members to participate. It is just not possible to run the event properly given the new guidelines.

We apologies for the stress, inconvenience and disruption this has caused and the late notice of this cancellation.

Further updates to follow.

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The Robinson’s Ice Cream Ulster Open Table Tennis Championships 2021

The 2021 Robinson’s Ice Cream Ulster Open Table Tennis Championships will take place on the 27th and 28th November at Lisburn Racquets Club, 36 Belfast Road, Lisburn BT27 4AS. All players and coaches are advised to read the Entry Form for full details on the events taking place, tournament regulations and Covid 19 Protocols.

Entries are now open through eventbrite (link below) and Entries will close Wednesday 17th November 2021 at 9.00pm. Late entries will not be accepted and all fees must be paid in advance



Upcoming Umpire Course

We are pleased to announce that we are hosting an umpires course in November. The course will take place via Zoom on the dates and times as follows:

  • Monday 8th November 7pm – 10pm
  • Monday 15th November 7pm – 10pm 
  • Saturday or Sunday 27/28th November – Practical Assessment during the Ulster Open in Lisburn Racquets Centre

This course is designed for anyone wishing to increase their knowledge of the rules and regulations of table tennis, and will prepare them to become a qualified County and Junior County umpire.  This course will also serve as a refresher course for all existing umpires.

Anyone who has already expressed an interest in this course will be contacted by the tutors with the necessary joining instructions at a later date.  

Please note this is free to members who are affiliated to Table Tennis Ireland.

There are still spaces available, so please get in touch as soon as possible if you wish to become an umpire. 
If you are interested in attending this course, please email Shauna in the office at [email protected]


Munster Women in Sport Invitational Sessions

Munster branch with the support of Cork Sports Partnership have launched Women in Sport invitational sessions since Thursday 7th of October.

These sessions have been thoroughly enjoyed by all the women who attended, for an enjoyable hour of fun. These sessions have been a huge success and will be continuing every Thursday night.

If you are interested in joining, make sure to keep an eye out on Table Tennis Ireland’s social media and Corks Sports Partnership’s social media for more openings. These sessions take place in the James Kenneally Sports Hall at Hollyhill, Cork City from 6:30 -7:30 pm every Thursday.

These sessions will help lead a pathway for female players to get involved and participate within table tennis in Munster.

Thank you to all the coaches and volunteers for providing this opportunity for women to participate in table tennis.

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Seeking Expressions of Interest for Umpire Course

We are seeking expressions of interest from those who wish to complete an Umpire Course which is run by Table Tennis Ireland.

There is a constant demand for umpires at many events, and once these new candidates complete their training, they should have ample opportunity to develop their skills and progress in umpiring and get involved at many of our events. This course is suitable for participants from age 12 and older, and for all abilities.

The course is 6 hours long. Courses will be conducted at a central venue in each Province and if possible, arranged to facilitate the majority of participants.  In the event that Covid prevents such course being held in a single venue, arrangements will be made to deliver it using Zoom over 2 x 3-hour sessions.

The course also requires a supervised practical assessment at a tournament before certifying each candidate.

Please contact the office ([email protected]) with your name, area you are based and your club to express your interest in completing the Umpire Course, and for any further details about the course

2020 Nationals Trophies @ IWA (1)

2021 Joola Irish National Junior and Senior Championships

The 2021 Joola Irish National Junior and Senior Championships will take place on the 23rd and 24th October at the Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) in Dublin. Entries are now open through our GoMembership system (see link below) and will close at 5pm on Friday 8th October 2021. All players and coaches are advised to read the Entry Form for full details on the events taking place, tournament regulations and Covid 19 Protocols.

Entry Link   


Any queries should be sent to [email protected] 

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Table Tennis Ireland’s Women in Sport Survey

Welcome to the new season!

To help us implement Women in Sport programmes more effectively, we would like to hear your views and suggestions on how we can promote gender balance, improve female participation, retain female involvement in the sport and empower female leaders in Irish Table Tennis.  We would appreciate if you could spend 10 minutes to complete our WIS Survey. This survey is open to males and females, as we would like to hear everyone’s view and suggestions on Women in sport within table tennis in Ireland.

Here is the link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WomenInSport1. The deadline to complete this survey is Monday 11th October at 5pm.

All participants will be entered into a draw with a chance to win one of 3 table tennis related prizes.  Thank you for your support!