(photograph courtesy of Catherine Hickey)
Not quite a chance encounter between our Irish President Joe Hickey, pictured here with Richard Yule (former Scottish No 1 and CEO of the English Table Tennis Association) and Alex Murdock, Chairman of ETTA and BTTF.
The three top men in Irish and English table tennis took time out prior to the Men’s Team Final of the Olympic table tennis event at the ExCel Arena to have an informal chat on matters of mutual interest within the Home Countries, and possible follow-up.
As our members will see from the photo, our President wore his blazer with the Irish crest and he commented that it was amazing the number of people who engaged him in conversation having noticed the crest.
The funniest moment at ExCel for Joe and his wife Catherine was when one of the basketball volunteers mentioned to them that there was a rumour that the US President and DAVID BECKHAM might turn up for the table tennis final……..and Joe had little doubt as to who she was most interested in !