Wexford Primary School Roadshow!

It was a busy end of February for Our Leinster CCDO, Ivanna, who took to the road over two days visiting 8 primary schools in Co. Wexford. The Wexford Primary Schools Roadshow was supported and funded by contributions from Table Tennis Ireland Women in Sport, Sports Active Wexford and the individual schools.  

The roadshow consisted of taster sessions aimed at 4th & 5th class students. With a huge response from 17 schools, it was difficult to reduce this down to just an initial 6 schools so with funding secured 8 schools were chosen, 4 from South Wexford and 4 from North Wexford.

The following schools participated in the event:

  • Day one- Murrintown NS, St. Fintans NS Taghmon, Cushinstown NS, Gusserane NS.
  • Day two- Scoil Isogain, Coolgreany, Gorey Central, St. Josephs NS, Gaelscoil Moshiolog Gorey. With 443 pupils participating over the two days, it was great to see such enthusiasm and great fun was had by everyone.

Each school received a starter pack and session plans to keep practicing. They will be invited to a festival in April to showcase all the skills they have learned over the next 4 weeks, with some fun challenges and games. 

It was remarkable to observe the commitment of the schools who contributed to their packs to provide their pupils with the ability to continue playing and begin to introduce the sport throughout the school. St. Josephs school in Gorey have set up a spare classroom as their table tennis room for pupils to practice. This school might be one to watch out for in the future! 

Table Tennis Ireland is working hard to deliver on its strategy and increase grassroots participation. With a newly affiliated Junior Club in Newbawn Co. Wexford we hope that some of the pupils from this event will take up the sport in their county. We will continue to work closely with senior clubs to try introducing a youth’s section. 

Next up on the roadshow is Carlow which will take place in early April. 

For further information on how your school could get involved in a Table Tennis Program or if you are a Local Sports Partnership that might be interested in a Roadshow coming to your county, please get in touch with our Community and Club Development Officers Ivanna Yates (Leinster) I[email protected]; Marcus McDonnell (Connacht) [email protected]